January Blue Heron

In among my various and assorted fruit, there is the loosely-held belief that the Universe speaks to me in blue herons.  Big decision days are often accompanied by a proliferation of heron sightings.  I saw 5 in one day after a particularly heart-wrenching break up that was, nevertheless, the right course of action.  As winter approaches, however, even the Universe struggles to produce a blue heron smack dab in the middle of my path.

Today, however, is proof that it can be done.

It’s bleak here, full of low grey clouds and spitting, spiteful rain.  There is no particular crisis, no big decision to be made, nothing more on my plate than a phone interview and the hopes that one of the options that have been teasing me turns into something I can call a start date.  Nevertheless, there it was…  A heron in the most unexpected of places.  And with it, a rush of gratitude…  for everything, even the parts that suck.  Because the suck is how you get smart, it’s how you develop compassion.  But also for a reminder that there will be time after this.  There always is.

And it’s going to be okay.  Whatever it is, it is going to be okay.

January Blue Heron

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